Odds and Ends

Various links I've been reading lately...
  • TIME published an article about the surprising statistics of adoption in the U.S. Would you have guessed the following?
— Minority women are trying to adopt at a higher rate than white women.
— Only 1% of single women put their babies up for adoption.
— Men adopt at twice the rate women do, but most of those are adopting their stepchildren.

  • And checking out TCU's Institute of Child Development, I noticed their site has many free, downloadable articles about adoptive and foster parenting. Three cheers for free stuff!
  • And now for something completely superfluous...apparently, the 90s' teen drama, Beverly Hills 90210, has been resurrected (yet another one of the old-school shows kicked back to life by the creativity-starved television industry. I mean, seriously, do we really another go-round of 90210?!). Perhaps the only bright spot in this sucky TV revival trend is that the new 90210 supposedly features a "transracial adoption storyline." Of course, it is 90210, so I doubt that Emmy-worthy thoughtfulness awaits viewers on the horizon. But a girl can hope! Anyone actually watched this yet? Is the transracial adoption storyline actually well-done? Now, I'm curious...but not curious enough to watch it myself!  ;)